Autumn Winter campaign – early rise at Brunswick Heads

With our new collection on the way, it was time for a Autumn Winter Campaign shoot to welcome in the cooler months. It was a very early start of all of us, but well and truly warranted as the photos captured were spectacular with the early morning backdrop.
The inspiration behind our Autumn Winter campaign comes from our surroundings. Walking along the wall at Brunswick Heads beach was perfect example of this- with all the colours in our new range reflected in the natural elements. The grey-beige of the tree trunks washed up in the storms and terracotta flecks in the boulders, all captured in our new collection. Accompanied by the gorgeous textures and colours in the Rowie clothing used for the shoot, it was the perfect morning to bring new Sienna out into the world!

This shoot was very much a collaborative undertaking, and we are so blessed to be involved with such a supportive and engaging community of creative minds. You can see more Autumn colours here.

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